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Rotterdam-Maaskant Award

The Rotterdam-Maaskant Foundation was founded in 1976 by the Rotterdam architect Hugh Maaskant (1907 - 1977).

The objectives of the foundation are:



Expanding, clarifying and strengthening the place that the built environment and landscape design occupy in cultural and social life;


To promote a more conscious experience of architectural, urban and landscape design from the past and present among a large group of users and viewers, both in general and with regard to Rotterdam in particular.

To make this possible, Maaskant invested a fund of 1 million guilders, which is managed by the foundation. A prize is awarded from this fund on an annual basis.

The Grand Maaskant Prize, first awarded in 1978, is awarded to one or more persons who have distinguished themselves to a particular extent in the field of architecture, urban planning and landscape architecture through publishing, educational and/or research activities. This biennial prize is awarded in even years and consists of a cash prize of 25,000 euros and a certificate.


Since 1985, the Young Maaskant Prize has been awarded in odd years; an incentive prize for young architects, landscape architects or urban planners aged 35 or younger, where the architectural or urban development work, whether executed or not, takes precedence. The prize consists of a sum of 5,000 euros, a certificate and a subsidy for a publication.


The foundation board appoints an independent jury for each edition that makes a nomination for a prize award. The proposed candidate prize winner will have to meet the objectives of the foundation.

'For a more conscious experience of architectural, urban and landscape design'

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